How many times a year is it normal to get a cold? The doctor explains

According to the therapist, an adult's body – if it is healthy – should not catch a cold often.

In her interview, the doctor explained how many times a year it is normal for adults and children to catch a cold.

“For an adult, it is considered normal to get acute respiratory infections and SARS up to three times a year.”

The doctor named the number of colds up to five times a year as the norm for children aged 3-5 years, but no more.

If infections that cause characteristic cold symptoms attack the body and make you sick more often, this may indicate weakened health, weakened immunity. However, it is impossible to independently draw a conclusion about this based on the number of SARS, the specialist emphasized.

The doctor noted that today many people are characterized by excessive anxiety about their own health. She urged not to engage in self-medication and not to take any measures to strengthen immunity, based on your own reasoning about this. Any appointments in this matter must come strictly from the doctor.

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Author: alex

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