How much coffee can be dangerous?
Dietitian: in large quantities, coffee can harm the body and well-being.
A dietitian warned in an interview about the dangers of abusing a drink like coffee.
“You can drink no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, or four cups,” the specialist clarified.
The doctor noted that excessively large doses of caffeine consumed have a negative effect on well-being. The tonic and invigorating effect of coffee with its constant intake decreases due to habituation. In addition, caffeine contributes to the active excretion of microelements important for health from the body, which prevents the absorption of some nutrients.
In addition, due to its stimulating effect on the nervous system, it can cause sleep disorders. All this contributes to various deficiencies in the body, its exhaustion and burnout, nervousness and irritability, and problems with the thyroid gland.
The doctor added that in some cases even a small amount of caffeine can have a noticeable effect, causing vascular changes, blood vessel contractions, rapid heartbeat, and increased excitability. People with this feature are better off not using it at all, and also monitor the amount of other drinks or products containing caffeine in their diet.
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