How much peanuts cause allergies
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Scientists from the University of Cincinnati have proven that there are so-called stimulating doses of peanuts. They will help people with mild to moderate peanut allergy.
American toxicologists spoke in favor of the popular method of treating food allergies due to the so-called stimulating doses of the product to which the body reacts acutely. We are talking about the common and most life-threatening allergy to peanuts.
Its victims encounter this product quite often, as it is added to many dishes and ready-made food products such as ice cream, pastries and cakes, about which their customers are often not informed. An allergic reaction can cause anaphylactic shock, which can kill a person if he does not receive a dose of epinephrine within a few minutes. That is why it is so important not only to always carry medicine with you, but also to try to overcome peanut allergy.
In the scientific journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, the results of a study were published, which showed that there is a mathematical model that calculates the minimally dangerous dose of peanuts.
During the experiment with the participation of 481 patients, it was established that in 1% of them the allergy started after receiving 0.052 mg of peanut protein. This is about the weight of one grain of salt. 5% required 0.49 mg of peanut protein-weight of a grain of sugar. So, a dose below 0.052 can be considered stimulating.
These figures are very important in order to calculate the correct dosages during therapy. That is, the amount of peanut protein that is safe for an allergy victim, but can accustom her body to peanuts. This therapy is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, it allows you to gradually increase the dose of peanuts so that over time the human body does not react so sharply to this product. Usually, the process takes months and even years, but gives quite a high effect.
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