How much water do you really need to drink to feel good?

In everything, one should know the measure so as not to subject the body to unnecessary stress.

Scientists from all over the world have come to a consensus that the root of bad health is often a deficiency moisture in the body. Dehydration leads to headaches, weight gain, dry skin, depression and many other problems. Therefore, water consumption should be closely monitored.

How much water should you drink per day, and should you follow the rule that the more, the better. Of course not, you should not force the kidneys to work to wear and tear and bring yourself to swelling. There are no clear norms regarding the norm of daily liquid consumption. There is an approximate medical norm: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. That is, with a weight of 55 kg, 1.5 liters per day is quite enough. If you feel thirsty, drink more, even if you drink more than the recommended amount.

A glass of water is the best way to start your day. By drinking 200 ml of water at room temperature with a slice of lemon right after waking up, we start the body after a long period of inactivity. After half an hour, you can start eating breakfast and coffee, the water has already prepared your digestive system, and everything eaten will be beneficial.

Any other meal should start with water. A glass of water with a meal prepares the stomach and relieves excessive hunger. You can be satisfied with a small portion, which will help to avoid overeating and, accordingly, extra kilograms.

What should not be done is to wash down food and drink in the next half hour after eating. Water removes digestive enzymes and dissolves gastric juice, which slows down the whole process.

The advice of experienced trainers to drink at least three liters per workout should be treated with caution. This amount of liquid will remove not only waste products and toxins from the body, but also disrupt the balance of electrolytes and trace elements that simply do not have time to recover. The best option: on the first day, decide before and after training. The difference will be from 300 to 1000 grams, depending on the characteristics of the body. It is this difference that needs to be replenished with each training session by drinking an equal amount of clean water.

Many nutritionists have come to the conclusion that when determining the necessary amount of water for yourself, you should listen to your body. He will signal a lack of fluid with thirst, you just have to not ignore this natural requirement.

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Author: alex

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