How not to break down in a difficult situation: 13 phrases that you should say to yourself in difficult moments of life
12 phrases you should say to yourself in difficult times.
The ability to support oneself in any situation is very necessary for everyone, especially in conditions of war. Even the strongest people sometimes find themselves in situations where support does not hurt, and if there is no one else to lean on, you can and should help yourself. No matter how difficult the situation is, you need to keep believing in yourself. Psychologists recommend remembering and using several phrases that should be repeated to yourself more often during difficult periods of life.
Phrases that you should say to yourself in difficult times
“A person who is a support and my support is myself”
No matter how wonderful people surround us, we must be able to deal with difficulties on our own. If you rely not only on close people, it will be easier to survive crises. Of course, the support and help of relatives are very important, but the one who will pull you out of the bottom should be yourself. For this, each of us has an internal resource, we just need to discover it.
“It is within my power to change my attitude to circumstances.”
You need to look at the situation from a different angle to rethink it. It is better to ask yourself: “What is this for me? What lesson is this for me? What needs to change in my life?”.
“I can overcome my fears”
Although fear is a natural tool to protect a person from dangers, phobia can poison human life. Fear does not allow people to do what they love, does not give them the right to choose, and in extreme cases it literally paralyzes a person.
“I have the right to give up for a while, but then I will get back together.”
All of us sometimes want to hide from the difficulties of the outside world, and this is completely normal. Thus, we give ourselves time and an opportunity to recover. It's normal to fail and feel negative emotions. The main thing is to find the strength to accept defeat, work on mistakes and continue on your way.
“I will do everything.”
A phrase that allows you to believe in your own strength. Self-belief is a very important skill. Therefore, repeat this phrase to yourself before starting even the simplest task. Then increase the load, but do not forget this magic phrase. As you cope with the tasks at hand, this wording will become more and more meaningful each time. And confidence in your own strength will increase.
“I have enough strength to survive this.”
Probably, you have already had crisis moments in your life that you managed to overcome. And saying this phrase, you will understand that you are strong enough to survive the next difficulties. And if hard times come again, then try to remember the situations where you have already shown strength of spirit.
“All difficulties in my life are temporary. This will pass”
Disappointment is what keeps us from solving the problem. It is important to remember that a lot in life depends on emotional mood. As soon as you understand that all, even the most terrible difficulties in life are temporary, you will be able to find the strength to fight them.
Nothing lasts forever, not only good things have the property of ending. Even the bad times won't last forever. Therefore, in the most difficult moment, remind yourself that it will soon end, do not dwell on the bad.
“There is a way out of any situation”
There are no hopeless situations, you can always find one problem solving. The main thing is not to give up and look for solutions, not giving up. In history, there are many cases when the most terrible diseases receded, as soon as a person let go of the problem and decided to realize all his most secret desires. So never give up.
“It won't break me.”
Do not let surrounding and external factors hinder you. Listen to yourself and be sure of what you are doing.
“Everything that is done is for the best.”
A person never knows what fate has in store for him, you should not be upset if something goes wrong not quite as you intended. Many cases are known when being late for a plane flight helped people stay alive. Maybe today's trouble will turn out to be a winning lottery ticket for a person in the future.
“I know how to keep calm.”
Learning to manage your emotions is difficult, but it will allow you to maintain mental balance and not get lost in emergency situations. Just focus your attention on this phrase, breathe slowly and deeply until you feel clarity of thought.
“I must, must continue to take care of myself.”
It is important to understand yourself and your needs. in order to cope with the difficulties of life. But sometimes we remember how important it is, only in those cases when something inside finally “breaks”. Therefore, it is important to always remember that no matter how difficult the situation, you need to continue to take care of yourself, set personal boundaries and protect yourself from harmful external factors.
“There is only one way out – that is death”
If we are alive, we have not yet encountered it. Even the support of loved ones sometimes does not help to collect thoughts and cope with the problem. At such moments, it is important to remember that problems are an inseparable part of life, that while we are alive, we can still solve them. And only by rejoicing in simple things and concentrating on the good, we can cope with them.
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