How not to store tea: a few tips for different varieties

When we talk about spoiled tea, we mean the oxidation process that kills its taste and benefits. Teas that are not oxidized at all or are oxidized only slightly during production are not able to keep freshness for a long time. This applies to green, yellow and white tea. In black types of tea and oolong, the probability of rapid deterioration, on the contrary, is reduced to a minimum.

In order to enjoy the taste of the finished drink as long as possible, you need to learn how to properly store tea. A few simple tips will help in this.

Tea and oxygen

Tea leaves continue to oxidize over time under the influence of oxygen. Even when stored in an airtight container, some air still gets inside. The ideal solution will be vacuum packaging. However, this method is only suitable for strong tea leaves. Vacuum sealing tender leaves will simply crush them.

Heat source

Some types of green and yellow tea are best stored in the freezer or refrigerator, as low temperatures dramatically slow down oxidation reactions. However, it must be done correctly so that condensation does not form on the leaves. To do this, it is advisable to repackage the tea in small bags and use each one within a week after opening. Before putting the bags in the freezer, you need to squeeze out as much air as possible. Otherwise, oxygen will condense and cause the formation of moisture on the surface of the leaves. In addition, it is worth remembering that the tea bag should not be opened immediately if it has been in the freezer – it is necessary to give it time to reach room temperature.


Until now, experts have not come to a single opinion about how sunlight affects tea. Some believe that it gives the drink a metallic aftertaste, others are sure that the photodehydration of the tea is taking place. According to experts, a combination of polymerization of theaflavin, transformation of chlorophyll into pheophytins and oxidative changes in antioxidants play a role here.

Sources of odor

Tea leaves quickly absorb environmental odors environment This quality is used in the production of aromatic teas, but in some cases it does more harm than good. In other words, tea is best stored in places where there are no strong smells. Experts do not recommend keeping tea in wooden boxes, airtight cans with rubber seals and plastic containers.

The more, the better

In an almost empty airtight Tea in a container spoils much faster than in a full cup. In order for the tea to remain fresh as long as possible, it is recommended to fill the entire container with it, and then shake it. This will reduce the amount of oxygen in the vessel and prevent extraneous odors from being absorbed. The method is especially relevant for storing fermented teas.

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Author: alex

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