How quitting cigarettes affects the body after 20 minutes, a year and a decade
Our body feels the benefits of quitting smoking very quickly, as the lungs are cleaned and blood pressure normalizes.
Approximately eight million people worldwide die each year from smoking-related diseases. Many people are aware of the harmfulness of the addiction to cigarettes and would like to end their habit. To make the decision to quit smoking more weighty, doctors point to the health effects that occur when quitting cigarettes. Scientists state that the condition of the body improves after 20-30 minutes.
This is what happens to the body of a person who quits smoking.
From 20 to 30 minutes.
strong>Health benefits are felt almost immediately. After twenty minutes to half an hour, the blood pressure decreases somewhat (in smokers it is increased), the hands and feet begin to heat up as blood circulation improves.
8 hours. After eight hours, the lungs begin to be intensively cleansed of pollution left after smoking. Carbon monoxide is excreted from the body, which allows the lungs to get rid of mucus more actively as the oxygen level increases.
48 hours. After two days, the former smoker's sense of smell and taste improve.
72 hours.After three days, the benefits of healthy breathing become even more noticeable. Bronchi in the lungs begin to relax, and the entire respiratory system functions more efficiently.
From 2 to 3 months. If a person who quit smoking managed to hold on for two months, it significantly improves blood circulation in the body, as well as the work of the lungs – the body becomes more resilient as a result.
From 1 to 9 months.The cough characteristic of smokers subsides, the congestion of the nasal sinuses passes. The function of the lungs continues to improve thanks to their cleaning and maintenance in a clean state without tobacco smoke. Thanks to the health of the lungs, the body is filled with oxygen more efficiently – this helps to increase the level of energy and productivity.
Year. A year after a smoker quits smoking, serious benefits begin to appear. The risk of heart disease is reduced by half compared to a person who smokes.
5 years. The risk of suffering from a stroke becomes the same as that of non-smokers. The risk of cancer of the oral cavity, throat and esophagus is reduced by half, the risk of cervical cancer in women is reduced to the level of non-smokers.
10 years. The risk of lung cancer is reduced by half compared to a smoker. The incidence of pancreatic cancer is reduced to the level of non-smokers.
15 years. Fifteen years after quitting cigarettes, the likelihood of heart disease (including heart attack) and premature death becomes the same as in those who have never smoked.
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