How summer residents use potato peelings for fertilization

For those who love to eat potatoes and have a summer cottage, there is good news. Don't throw away the peelings, because they can be used to improve the soil, its fertility and structure.

How to use potato peelings

The easiest thing to do is to scatter them around the plot and dig them up. Not everyone likes this approach, because it doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing. But such an opinion is unfounded, because the peelings are proposed to be used in this way in the fall.

You can prepare a nutrient fertilizer in another way. Make a decoction of the husk. Pour it with water and let it brew for several days. Water the plants under the root with this solution.

Potato top dressing can be used for most plants. Among them: raspberries, strawberries, berry bushes, onions, pumpkins, cabbage, houseplants, flowers in the country. Please note that there are a number of plants that may not like it: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.

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Author: alex

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