How sweets affect the brain

Another piece of chocolate can turn into a bad mood and addiction stronger than cocaine.

1. Disrupts the reward system

Foods with a high glycemic index (that is, those that raise blood sugar more quickly) cause more intense hunger and even addiction-like feelings.

< p>You have probably come across manifestations of this effect: after eating a little sweet, you want to eat more and more. If you repeatedly succumb to this urge, the work of the reward system in the brain changes, which leads to even greater overeating in the future.

The same process is at the root of the emergence of all addictions: in order to receive a reward (pleasant sensations), with sometimes it is necessary to constantly increase the amount of the substance. This is exactly what happens with sweets. Scientists have found that it can be even more addictive than cocaine. The result is an epidemic of diabetes and obesity, which is now observed in many Western countries.

2. Impairs memory

Consuming large amounts of sugar on a regular basis causes inflammation, which leads to memory problems. This was confirmed by researchers who found markers of inflammation in the hippocampus of rats whose diet contained a lot of sugar. Rats with a normal diet did not have such markers in their brains.

Fortunately, this damage is not permanent. Other researchers have concluded that memory impairments caused by the consumption of sweets can be reversed. To do this, you need to follow a diet with a low sugar content and there are products with a low glycemic index. And if you also add healthy fats and curcumin to your diet, you will additionally improve your memory.

3. It has a negative effect on mood

We are used to thinking that sweets lift our spirits, but this is not always the case. Scientists analyzed the eating habits and mood of 23 thousand people and noticed that a higher amount of sugar in the diet is associated with more frequent cases of depression.

And this is not the only example of how sweets affect the emotional sphere. People with type 2 diabetes report that when their blood glucose levels are high, they are more prone to sadness and anxiety. if at the same time the sugar level is elevated.

4. Decreases mental ability

Elevated blood glucose levels damage blood vessels, which gradually leads to other problems. Observation of people with long-term diabetes has revealed progressive brain damage that leads to impaired memory, learning and other cognitive functions.

Even in the absence of diabetes, consuming large amounts of sweets is associated with with lower scores on tests of mental ability.

In addition, a diet high in added sugars (added to food during cooking) reduces the production of the BDNF protein, which is necessary for the formation of new memories and learning. A low level of this protein in the brain is also associated with the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

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Author: alex

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