How taking vitamin C can harm the body: the doctor explains
Doctors remind that it is dangerous to take vitamin C at random – its overdose threatens the development of certain disorders in the body.
In an interview with a pediatrician, a reminder was sounded that taking “ascorbic acid” at home can be done strictly in a preventive dosage. In order for vitamin C not to harm the body, its amount should correspond to a person's age.
“For children aged 0 to 3 years, the average preventive dose of vitamin C is 40 mg. From 3 to 14 years – 50 mg, and from 14 years – 75-100 mg,” the doctor clarified.
The doctor warned that with long-term intake of this vitamin (which is also used in high doses) urolithiasis may develop. The use of ascorbic acid is contraindicated for people with kidney problems.
In addition, an overdose of vitamin C can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, as well as disrupt the absorption of vitamin B 12, contribute to its deficiency. Those who take it in synthetic form should consult a doctor.
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