How tea can harm health
Drinking tea is associated with many health effects, but what matters to health is how much it is used by people.
That tea can be harmful to health when it is drunk too much. Medical experts who spoke on its pages noted that this drink can be addictive.
“Tea contains theine – this substance is addictive, and in large doses leads to the so-called “tea intoxication” , experts warned.
They clarified that the highest green and white tea, some varieties of black tea, and matcha tea contain thein concentrations.
In addition, health workers said that drinking a large amount of tea can cause digestive problems, nausea, or stomach pain.
< p>In turn, due to another component of tea – caffeine – can heart rate increases, blood pressure increases. Depending on the type of tea, one cup contains from 15 to 70 mg of caffeine.
For those who like to drink tea, experts advise not to drink the drink immediately after a meal – you should wait 20 or 30 minutes. Tea drunk after a meal will interfere with the assimilation of important nutrients.
“The tannins in tea impair the absorption of iron. To reduce their number in the drink, reduce the brewing time to 4-5 minutes,” experts shared their recommendation.
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