How tea helps to increase the yield of onions

Obtaining a rich harvest of onions is an obvious goal of any gardener who decided to grow this plant. And there are many such summer residents: onions are very popular as a garden crop.

The first thing that comes to mind for many owners of country plots is the use of mineral fertilizers. However, we should not forget about organics. Especially since there is an opportunity to use food residue, which is usually thrown away, as a supplement. In other words, absolutely free fertilizer helps to increase the yield of onions.

How to feed onions

During the planting of vegetables, it is recommended to add tea leaves.

No problems with creating reserves of this fertilizer should not occur: many people drink tea every day. It is necessary not to throw away the brew, but to collect it in a separate bag.

Before sending the drunk tea to storage, it must be dried. It is desirable to put the brew under all the bulbs. As a result, the summer resident will receive a huge harvest of vegetables.

There is nothing surprising in this, because the tea drunk is a source of components important for garden culture, including potassium, magnesium and calcium.

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Author: alex

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