How to appeal a fine if you did not have time to update your credentials: the Ministry of Defense told about the details of the procedure

Citizens can appeal fines for untimely updating of military registration data. People can appeal administrative cases in court.

This was stated by the Director of the Personnel Policy Department of the Ministry of Defense, Mark Andrusiak, the press service of the department reports.

According to him, after July 17, regarding those citizens who have not updated their account information in a timely manner will be charged with administrative offenses, although there will be no automatic procedure for imposing fines.

“At the same time, citizens will be able to appeal such decisions in court, providing documents confirming that they really could not do it in a timely manner,” Andrusiak noted.

It should be noted that currently the legislation does not provide for an extension of the deadline for updating data for a person for the period of treatment or due to other circumstances.

Andrusiak added that passing the VLC and updating credentials are different components of military service. The law requires that appropriate fines be imposed for each separate offense, which also applies to various types of military duties.

Violation of the procedure for placing on military registration can lead to a fine of 17,000 to 25,500 hryvnias.


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Author: alex

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