How to avoid planting carrots too thickly
The main reason why a gardener may get not roots but tops from carrots is the wrong planting scheme. Carrots can be crushed if they are planted too thickly. Homeowners who do not thin out the vegetable in time should not expect large carrots either.
In a carrot bed, bushes should be spaced 6-8 centimeters apart. The distance between the beds should be 40-45 centimeters.
Small carrots can grow if they are forced to coexist with weeds or other cultivated plants. Even ordinary dill planted in the same area with carrots will significantly reduce the yield of the main crop.
The problem of dense sowing can be solved with one simple method, especially since the necessary tool is at hand for any summer resident.
To do this, mix carrot seeds with sand. This way they will fall less often, which will greatly simplify the process of thinning seedlings.
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