How to become richer with a small salary: three working tips of a businessman

These financial instruments may seem boring, but they really work.

When you read about how to become rich, it may seem that it is unattainable and that only people with high income can achieve similar goals. But it's realistic if you follow the right steps.

American self-made millionaire Ramit Sethi, who hosts the “Get Rich” program on Netflix, gave his top three tips on how to improve your financial situation on a small salary. cnbc writes about it.

The most important step to getting rich and building wealth is to start investing your money. The goal is to invest whatever you can to build a habit and have compound interest on your side.

Sethi once said that he believes in saving 10% and investing 20%. You should aim to increase the amount you invest by 1% every year. The trick is to invest your money automatically. You don't have to see the money leave your bank account when you automatically invest your funds. The most important step is to consistently invest at all income levels.

Negotiate a Better Salary

Learn how to negotiate your salary and get paid what you're worth. If you currently have a small salary, it does not mean that you are “stuck”. Once you develop the habit of consistently investing your money, the next step is to find a way to increase your income so you have more to invest.

The best way to increase your income is to find a way to earn more at work. You can try talking to management about a raise or looking for a similar position at another company.

At this point, it's important to do your research and find out how much other people are making in similar positions. You can check with recruiters for salary ranges so you know what to aim for. You should aim for a steady increase in salary, so that it does not remain at the same level for years.

Start a part-time job

Find a part-time job that will bring in extra income. Since you are investing your money and working to increase your salary, it is very important to look for other ways to earn money. A part-time job can help you reach your investment goals faster, as well as give you the resources to pamper yourself.

Which part-time jobs are worth considering? Here are some popular ideas:

  • Rent out your home or put any home you own on Airbnb.
  • Try pet sitting or walk an animal for money.
  • Offer the services of a freelancer. There are different platforms for this.

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Author: alex

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