How to Bring Avocado maturity

Stem. The unripe fruits have a hole on the stem. In overripe fruits, this hole is brown.

  • bone. If you choose ripe avocado, then the bone should be easily separated from the flesh.
  • softness. Ripe fruits are quite soft to the touch. If you press on them, there will be small dents on its surface. The ripe fruits are very soft so they will be easily deformed.
  • aroma. If you sniff a ripe fruit, you can hear a characteristic aroma. In a short -sighted avocado there is no pronounced smell.
  • These signs can quickly determine the ripeness of the fetus. They should be taken into account when choosing an avocado.

    If you have purchased an unripe avocado, you should not be upset. It can reach at home. Most often, housewives just put avocados in the refrigerator for a few days. The fruits will then become soft and fragrant.

    what to do to avoid avocado

    There are many different ways to help bring avocados to ripeness. За допомогою деяких способів можна отримати стиглий плід вже за кілька хвилин. The most popular ways include:

    1. in the microwave. During this period, the fruits will become soft. In doing so, they will acquire creamy consistency. However, the amount of vitamins will be significantly reduced. To speed up ripening, you can make several holes with a plug.
    2. in the oven. Housewives claim that the product can be softened with an oven. Under the influence of high temperature, some of the useful elements are destroyed, so this is also not a very useful way. The oven temperature should be 200 degrees. Fruits can be reached in 10 minutes.
    3. in paper. This is another proven way to ripen avocados. Avocados are tightly wrapped in a newspaper so that there is no free space. They are then kept at room temperature. With this method, the fruits ripen after 3 days. The advantages of this method include that avocado will retain all the beneficial properties.
    4. in foil. in this case you need to wrap the fruit in foil and put in a warm place. In the presence of optimal conditions, the fruits will reach in 2-3 days. The taste and composition of avocados will remain unchanged. However, in some cases, the beneficial properties of avocados may be lost. If there is no need to soften the fruit quickly, it is better to do gradually.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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