How to care for a ficus microcarp so that it does not lose its uniqueness
Ficuses are very popular in home floriculture. Different species offer a variety of appearance, size, and decorativeness. One of the interesting varieties is the microcarp ficus. This is a delicate small tree with raised roots. It can be seen from the pot, which gives it a certain charisma.
How to care
The microcarp ficus grows well in diffused light. Do not expose the plant to direct sunlight or shade. Partial shade and diffused light are the best thing you can do for this handsome man.
Ficus needs to be pruned in the spring. The procedure is necessary both to maintain health and to improve shape. Repotting is necessary once every 2-3 years.
Watering is necessary only when the top layer of soil dries out. This plant also likes spraying.
Ficus needs to be fed every two weeks from May to October. Use a special fertilizer for ficuses for this.
In summer, ficus microcarpa feels good at a temperature of +25 degrees, and in winter it can be lowered to +18 degrees. If the temperature is higher than the specified, ventilate the room more often.
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