How to care for apple after harvest: 5 important tips
after harvesting. You can remember 5 tips that are key.Work should start with a thorough inspection. Many may seem that serious problems will always manifest themselves. And why not start fighting them in advance? A simple example: there may be minor damage to the tree that will not be seen in a rapid examination.
also do not forget about the work plan. For example, if you need to process pests and prune, you should pre -calculate the time. With this approach, you will be able to keep the apple trees healthy.Leaving the fall after collecting on the soil is a big mistake that many summer residents are assumed. It is necessary to always remove fruits from soil and branches. A simple example: apples can be a source of various diseases.
A critical mistake is that the fruits remain on the branches. And here the risk of infection increases significantly. You should also not forget that there is nothing good in decay processes.Sanitary pruning of branches is an integral process that every cottage must perform. It is necessary to remove all dry, broken and affected branches. Attention should be paid to the location of the branches if they grow inside the crown, logically get rid of them. Due to open wounds, the tree can be infected with dangerous fungal diseases. There are two cutting options:
- a solution of copper sulfate. A liter of water teaspoon will be enough.
- garden var.
If you talk about garden variety, it can also earn cracks and other injuries. Leaving open wounds in fruit trees is unacceptable. Pruning and processing should only be done in dry weather. What about prevention? A solution of copper sulfate or phytosporin can be used as treatment. These tools will protect the tree and provide a good crop. It creates a false feeling that apples can safely transfer severe frosts and show good yield. Experts have long noted the negative effects of low temperatures that affect the yield. The insulation material should breathe, it is better to use burlap or something similar. You can attach to the barrel with adhesive tape or rubber. You should not make rigid fastenings for insulation.
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