How to care for currant to make it happy with great delicious berries


often collide with a problem when the currant bushes stop giving large berries and the fruits become more sour.

there are several reasons. Some of them can be solved. During this period, fertilizers based on urea or nitroamophos are introduced. In the spring, more nitrogen is needed.

but its proportion is reduced to zero. After harvest, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are introduced. Autumn bushes mulch, add ashes or feed ash infusions.

The best currant harvest gives from the 3rd to 8th year of life. But the plant is fruitful up to 15 years. Then the summer residents clean the old bush. But the life of the plant can be reduced due to diseases and pests.

Pollination lack

The intensity of pollination is affected by several factors. Among them are cold and rainy weather, spring frosts, the use of insecticides that scare off insect pollinators and pests.

to correct the situation, if the bush is not too old, you can by means of pruning. It is carried out once a year by removing old and damaged branches.

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Author: alex

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