How to care for white shoes so that they are like new
Spring is the time white sneakers But the weather outside the window is such that it is worth wearing shoes 1 time and it is already necessary to clean the shoes. Read on for more tips on how to care for your white shoes to keep them looking like new.
If your favorite pair of white shoes gets dirty, try washing them with soapy water first. And we will also advise you of simple means that will easily deal with pollution.
You will need:
Take a vessel, pour 200 ml of water and dissolve a tablespoon in it of soda Apply to the contaminated area. Let it dry on the shoes. Shake off the dried powder with a brush. This method is suitable for leather, textile and suede shoes.
Squeeze a piece of lemon into a glass of water, stir and wipe the shoes with this solution. After that, rinse with water.
Leather shoes can be cleaned with petroleum jelly. It is enough to put petroleum jelly on a cotton pad and wipe the place where there is contamination.
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