How to care for white sneakers to be like new
Many people stop before buying white shoes for one reason that it needs to be cleaned frequently and over time, the sneakers do not become white, but with a grayish tinge. For your attention, simple secrets to help keep the “lingerie” of your shoes. Mix 9% vinegar with baking soda to obtain a foam mass and apply to the sneakers. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water. If not helped, repeat the procedure.
sneakers in a mesh
such sneakers can not be washed with aggressive agents. If you are in the machine, choose the Synthetics mode.
what to do to make sneakers look back like new
- Dilute the oxygen bleach with water as instructed and apply to shoes, stand for 5-10 minutes, you can increase the time depending on the degree of contamination
- will help the sole whiten, but you need to be very careful. Sneakers should be placed in linen for a few hours so that it only touches the sole.
use these simple tips and do not be afraid to wear white shoes!
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