How to carry out autumn care so that the plum easily survives the winter without cracks and wounds
One of the valuable fruit crops for country plots is the plum. It is loved for its delicious fruits, although it is still necessary to try to grow them without worms, large in size and with a sweet taste. In order for the trees to successfully survive the winter and come out of the cold season healthy and unharmed, it is necessary to carry out a number of care procedures starting in the fall.
Plum pruning. The procedure is carried out in several stages. And early autumn pruning is one of the stages. It is necessary to get rid of sick and weak shoots to stop the risk of disease development. Another stage is before frost. The purpose of late pruning of plum is to form the crown to better withstand the load from snow. It is necessary to shorten the central conductor, strong branches and cut everything that can thicken.
Processing of the stem circle. For plums, it should be at least 1 m in diameter. It should be cleaned of leaves, grass and weeds. Next, it is necessary to dig up and add humus, peat and compost.
Whitening of trees. It is carried out in autumn before the onset of stable cold weather. The procedure is mandatory. Prevents solar and frostbite wounds and burns.
Protection of the root system. Mulch the area near the trunk to protect against freezing. You can use straw, sawdust, humus to a height of 15 cm.
Protection against rodents. The tree can be protected from them if you make a small fence around the trunk.
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