How to carry out spring care for strawberries and prepare them for the new season

When the weather allows you to pay attention to strawberries, hurry to the garden. It is necessary to carry out a complex of works to prepare it for the new season. If this is not done in time, diseases and pests will have many chances to spoil your nerves.


You need to start with sanitary pruning. Remove all diseased and dry leaves from the bushes. If there is damage on certain leaves, they should also be removed.

Look for whiskers. Cut them, because they will draw from the plants strength for the development and formation of new bushes. This will cause a decrease in the yield and quality of berries.

It is important to loosen the soil. It should be loose. Clogged and dense soil will not be able to provide oxygen access to the root system.

When the main work is done, we proceed to feeding. You can treat with Bordeaux liquid to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases. For pests, spray with “Aktara”.

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Author: alex

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