How to choose a massage technique to “see” the result

Massage is an integral part of maintaining good health. There are many techniques aimed at different needs. Relaxation, removing muscle clamps, getting rid of cellulite, increasing skin tone – the list can go on and on. If everything is more or less clear with relaxing and medical (as prescribed by a doctor), then confusion may arise with techniques aimed at improving the quality of the body. Together with the master from the Tekstura studio, we understand the differences.

Lymphatic drainage massage.This is a “general cleaning” for the body. Together with the lymph, toxins, excess water, and decay products are removed from our body. A sedentary lifestyle interferes with the movement of lymph due to the constriction of blood vessels. The intercellular space is filled with toxins, a feeling of fatigue arises, the body's protective functions weaken, and metabolism is disrupted. A course (10-15 sessions) restores tone, energy, strengthens immunity, and helps to become slimmer. Lymphatic drainage massage is good for edema and circulatory disorders. The masseur makes rhythmic but smooth movements, stroking, in-depth working on muscle tissue in the neck, back, and legs. Indications for performing lymphatic drainage massage using this technique: cellulite, edema, varicose veins.

Sculptural massage strengthens the muscle frame, improves skin elasticity, and tightens well. This massage is a manual method of working with the deep layers of the skin and muscles. Sculptural massage helps to significantly correct body contours, get rid of excess weight and make the skin surface smooth and tender.

Anti-cellulite massage is a little different. It is a point effect on certain areas of the body, which increases the pressure inside the cells and stimulates blood flow. Acceleration of blood flow, in turn, leads to activation of cell work, restoration of lymph flow, and improvement of metabolism. These processes include the destruction of fat cells. Fat deposits in problem areas gradually decrease and the so-called orange peel begins to disappear. Relaxation of muscles and tissues contributes to the loosening of fatty tissue, the removal of excess fluid. Due to improved blood circulation, the skin tightens, becomes smoother and more elastic. A course (10 sessions) of massage is required for the result.

When performing lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications: skin diseases; acute thrombophlebitis; increased fragility of blood vessels; diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems; the presence of cancerous and benign tumors; pregnancy; lactation period; menstruation; infectious diseases; diabetes.

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Author: alex

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