How to choose oatmeal: simple tips for the right breakfast

Oatmeal is valued for its rich vitamin mineral composition. Vitamins of group B, potassium and calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium prevail in this cereal. However, not everyone knows about the subtleties that will help to choose the right grains for breakfast.

By regularly eating this porridge for breakfast, you will be able to fill the nutrient deficit, as well as reduce the level of “bad” – LDL – cholesterol, cleanse the body of toxins and impurities, as well as increase immunity. The reason for this is the high fiber content in the flakes.

However, you should not abuse oatmeal. The laxative and diuretic effect leads to the conclusion of minerals – they can be washed out of the body in larger quantities than came with the product. At the same time, experts claim that it is possible to correct the situation – you only need to add berries or dried fruits to the porridge. They, in turn, contribute to the absorption of useful substances.

How to choose oatmeal?

It is customary to divide all types of oatmeal into three groups:

  1. Hercules from high-grade groats. It takes 15-20 minutes to boil. They may contain impurities and floral films.
  2. Petal. It is about a technology similar to Hercules. However, in this case, the flakes are additionally sifted and processed. As a result, they are lighter, thinner and smaller.
  3. EXTRA is a sign of the most thorough processing. They are divided into three groups, according to grinding. #1-the biggest. According to experts, they contain the most useful substances and fiber. They are boiled for at least 15 minutes. Extra №2 is made from cut grains, while they contain less dietary fiber. №3 are the smallest. These are made from cut and flattened grains. Experts advise people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to choose and cook a similar variety. However, if you think about the benefits, the most useful option can be called Extra No. 1, Hercules with an increased content of carbohydrates and fiber is also suitable. At the same time, Extra No. 3 wins in terms of cooking speed.
  4. It is also worth paying attention to the expiration date. If the cereal has expired, the benefit from such a dish will be much less – only to fill the stomach.
  5. But this is not the only thing that should be paid attention to. It is necessary to get acquainted with the composition. It is noted that the fewer preservatives, the better.

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Author: alex

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