How to choose the right dairy products: expert advice
When it comes to determining the quality of dairy products – starting from the characteristics of the product itself to the packaging – everything is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. What is important to remember first of all?
The ability to choose high-quality dairy products is an art that is not inferior in importance to the preparation process itself. After all, stocking up on good cheese, milk, or fermented milk products is a first-rate step if your goal is to surprise your loved ones with airy pancakes or a casserole, every piece of which literally melts in your mouth.
A quality dairy product – where does it start?
First of all, it is important to note that it is practically impossible to improve the quality and taste of milk – you can only try to carefully preserve what nature has given. That is why care for the quality of products should begin with care for animals. Cows must be kept in clean and ventilated barns, receive a varied and complete diet, and have the opportunity to walk.
The automatic milking system in the farms from which the milk is supplied guarantees compliance with sanitary standards and the purity of the milk. The manufacturer is obliged not only to ensure the complete absence of traces of antibiotics in milk, but also to strive to reduce animal morbidity through preventive measures and to reduce the use of antibiotics in general.
Of course, all of the above completely depends on the manufacturer's honesty and his desire to improve the quality of his products, so it would be great if, before your next trip to the store, you try to learn a little more about your favorite brand – a supplier of dairy products: where and how they produce their products and how experts respond to them.
For starters: what do you need to know about the stages of production of quality milk?
The first and most important thing: there can be no hormones and growth stimulants in a high-quality dairy product. After milking comes the most important stage of transportation, during which the temperature regime must be strictly observed – otherwise the dairy product will arrive on store shelves already spoiled and unfit for consumption.
Pasteurization – heat treatment of the product – is also mandatory. The sale of unpasteurized milk in stores is prohibited by law. Heat treatment ensures the safety of dairy products, and modern technologies allow it to be carried out in such a way as to preserve all the beneficial properties of milk.
The last stage is packaging. Here we pay attention to the expiration date. As you know, no preservatives are added to industrially produced milk, while the preservation of milk is ensured by high-quality packaging, modern equipment and clean raw materials. The cleaner the milk and the more reliable the packaging, the longer the product will be stored, because the bacteria simply will not have a chance to multiply. As you can see, the quality of milk consists of dozens of factors at each stage – from the farm to the counter, so it is simply necessary to know about them before going to the store.
How to choose milk and dairy products in the store?
Of course, the first thing we pay attention to when buying any food product is the name. The legislation regulates the composition and production technology of dairy products with official names – sour cream, milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. So keep in mind that a completely different composition can be hidden behind “yogurt product”, “sour cream”, “milk” and “cottage cheese”.
Currently, according to the legislation, products without the content of vegetable fats must be accompanied by a corresponding marking on the price tag. However, to avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure in advance that the composition of the products you buy is acceptable for you. And, of course, be sure to check the expiration dates of the products.
Do not check the integrity of the packaging – for microcracks, dents, any other damage that can cause premature spoilage of the products
It is advisable to choose milk in opaque packaging – it preserves the quality of the product better. It is also worth observing the temperature regime of storage recommended by the manufacturer. By the way, many consumers store dairy products in the refrigerator door. This is not entirely correct, because the temperature in the door is higher than in the refrigerator, and because of this, the milk spoils faster.
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