How to clean blood vessels from excess cholesterol? Simple products are best

Although there are really no such magical foods that act against atherosclerosis in the same way as drugs, the habit of eating healthy food helps to slow down the process of accumulation of excess cholesterol in the blood vessels. It is especially nice that simple, affordable products allow you to clean the vessels.

Oats.Excess cholesterol can penetrate the inner layer of blood vessels, forming a hard plaque over time. Oat grains are rich in soluble fibers that fight the dangerous process of loss of flexibility and elasticity of vascular walls.

Beans. Studies show that a diet rich in them can help make arteries more elastic, helps lower blood pressure. Another advantage of a simple product is antioxidants, effective against inflammation, which contributes to heart disease.

Lentils.It is one of the best natural remedies that neutralize damage to blood vessels caused by high blood pressure. In addition, this simple product is at the top of the food spectrum in terms of protein and fiber content, it provides the body with calcium, potassium, magnesium – all minerals that can reduce high blood pressure.

Pistachios. They filled with plant sterols that help block the absorption of cholesterol in the body. If you are allergic to nuts, these substances can be obtained from sesame seeds.

Turmeric.Its main component, the antioxidant curcumin, has the ability to prevent the accumulation of excess fat in blood vessels, which blocks their lumen and provokes dangerous circulatory disorders.

Broccoli. Its compound sulforaphane improves the body's natural defenses from the processes of clogging arteries with cholesterol plaques, activating a certain type of protein in the body.

Potatoes. It is rightfully included in the list of the best available sources of potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure. It also contains a sufficient amount of fiber – a natural artery cleaner.

Eggs. Currently, research shows that the fats contained in eggs increase the level of “good” HDL cholesterol in the blood, which combines with the molecules of “bad” LDL and activates their breakdown.

Kefir. Probiotic products effectively support the population of healthy bacteria in the intestine – the improvement of its microflora correlates with a decrease in blood pressure, blood pressure and cholesterol level LDL.

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Author: alex

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