How to clean dust off the leaves of houseplants to make them “shine”
Beautiful and shiny leaves are a distinctive feature of a well-groomed and healthy plant. Today's popular products for making leaves shiny are not always safe. Moreover, polishing is not suitable for all plants, sometimes it can be harmful.
Which plants do not need to be polished
There are many types of indoor plants that do not need polishing at all. Such flowers are afraid of careless contacts that can harm them.
Plants whose leaves do not shine by nature, are downy and velvety, openwork. They, including prickly plants, do not need polishing.
Which plants can be given a gloss
Polishers and glosses are used to give a “marafet”. Polishing is suitable for Crassula, Dieffenbachia, all types of ficuses, ivy, palms and many other flowering and leafy plants.
Polishing can be done on plants with a smooth, even and shiny leaf surface.
What wipe the flowers from the dust
Any polishing begins with cleaning. Dust and pollution accumulate on the leaves of indoor plants.
To effectively clean flowers from dust, use the simplest techniques.
Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of citric acid in 1 glass of water. The leaves of the plants are wiped and sprayed with the solution for a nice glossy shine.
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