How to clean sweet peppers in a couple of seconds
There is no point in peeling sweet bell peppers nothing complicated. However, this process takes a lot of time, especially if you have to remove the stem and seeds from a large number of fruits. To avoid spending several hours on this activity, try the method described below.
The main requirement for a pepper is that it is strong and has a long tail that can be to grasp.
You need to take a well-washed fruit in one hand, and with the other hand to grasp the protruding tail and push it in.
Under the force of pressure, the upper part of the pepper with the stalk will fall inside. Next, roll the fruit several times in one direction and remove the unnecessary core.
All that remains is to knock the pepper on the table several times so that the seeds fall out of it, and you can enjoy the result.
By the way, if, due to the lack of a tail, you considered the pepper unsuitable for cleaning in this way, do not be upset. Just press on this place with your thumb and everything will work.
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