How to clean tea and coffee stains from mugs
Tea and coffee lovers sooner or later face the problem of “stained” inner walls of their favorite cup. Even though you wash the dishes thoroughly after each tea party, this will not protect them from dark brown deposits.
No matter how hard you scrub the walls and bottom of the mug, no matter how much detergent you add, unpleasant stains will never go away.
Therefore, for an ingredient that will help you easily fix the problem, you should go not to the household chemicals department, but directly to the grocery shelf in the store.
To remove deposits from tea and coffee drinks, you will need ordinary baking soda. Lightly wet the cup under water and apply baking soda to the dirty areas.
Use the resulting gruel to thoroughly wipe the mug inside and out. Even if you previously thought your favorite teacups were white, only after this procedure will you see what whiteness really means.
By the way, you should also wipe dark-colored cups with baking soda, because if you don't see dirt, it doesn't mean it's not there.
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