How to clean the toilet: tea will help – an interesting way

Many people know that the use of powerful the use of household chemicals in matters of plumbing care cannot always be called a justified decision. The fact is that their aggressive composition does not have the best effect on the state of the toilet coating.


If you use such products on a permanent basis, damage will inevitably appear that will attract pollution.

If this version of events does not suit you, you need to look for alternative methods. For example, you can take a closer look at tea. At first glance, the recommendation may seem strange: it seems that the drink will only make the situation worse. But this is a mistake.

How to use tea for toilet care

With the appearance of stains, you should immediately use several tea bags. They may have been in use before. We apply them to the desired place and wait for an hour.

After that, we remove the tea and with the help of a sponge or a brush, we remove the remaining contamination.

If the plaque seems extremely persistent and powerful, then the tea should be left for a minimum of eight hours.

The important point is not to accidentally rinse the tea: otherwise you will have to deal with a clog.

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Author: alex

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