How to clean your hands after a successful mushroom hunt: effective recommendations

For some people, the joy of hunting for mushrooms in the forest is accompanied by the problem of cleaning hands soiled by their finds. However, there are several simple and effective ways to remove dirt from your hands.

Tomato leaves

Experienced mushroom pickers claim that traditional hand washing with soap is often not enough. Instead, they recommend using tomato leaves for effective results. By rubbing your hands with tomato leaves until they release juice, you can effectively remove fungal stains.

Citric acid or vinegar

An acidic solution can work wonders, when it comes to cleaning fungus-contaminated hands. If you have citric acid on hand, dissolve a teaspoon in warm water and soak your hands in the solution for a few minutes. Or mix half a glass of vinegar with one liter of water and hold your hands in this mixture for at least five minutes.

Baking soda

Fresh fungal stains can effectively removed with baking soda. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water and apply it on your hands for about 10 minutes. To enhance the desired effect, add a little lemon juice to the mixture.

Vegetable oil

Mungarians often advise applying vegetable oil to the hands half an hour before picking mushrooms. This trick not only helps remove further stains, but can also prevent dirt from getting under your nails.

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Author: alex

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