How to collect tomato seeds to be homemade “sowat”
If you want to collect seeds from a tomato, then you need to properly select the mother plant, from which to be harvested. How to do this and how to treat the seeds – let's tell.
tomato bush must meet three requirements:
- be developed, with powerful, properly formed stem and healthy. pests;
- with fruits on two lower stems.
How to collect proper seeds
Carefully cut the fruit into two or four parts. It's no secret that the tomato inside consists of fleshy partitions and jelly with seeds between them. We squeeze this substance, and even better, clean the spoon in a separate jar. We will not need the peel with partitions, and the liquid with seeds is sent for fermentation.
For high -quality fermentation, the seeds of the jar must be with a fruit fluid. Most often it is quite sufficient after harvesting. Some varieties of tomatoes give very fleshy, dense fruits with thick skin and partitions almost without liquid. In this case, you can add very little boiled water to the seed jar and mix thoroughly to the porridge. It usually takes two days, sometimes this process ends even earlier. As a result, the liquid lighter, and the living seeds are lowered to the bottom of the jar.
now you need to wash the seeds. First, pour the top with film, debris, empty seeds. In the jar add clean water, mix and allow the seed to settle to the bottom. Then we take a strainer or a piece of gauze and through them strain all the contents. With their help, the seeds are thoroughly washed with clean running water.
To protect the seeds before drying, they must be disinfected. The easiest way for these purposes to use a weak solution of manganese. Wash the seeds with water just place in it for 15 minutes. Then we get them and send them for drying.
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