How to cook a classic charlotte and how it differs from what most housewives cook
With the ripening of the apple harvest and the ease of making charlotte, housewives begin to pamper their relatives with this delicious pastry more often.
But most housewives deviate significantly from the classic preparation of charlotte. But this, for the most part, does not impair the taste of the dish. Most often, under the guise of this apple pie, a fruit casserole appears at best, and it is made in a hurry.
How does the classic charlotte really differ from what housewives cook in the kitchen.
To prepare the classic version, you need:
- 1 cup of flour;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 4 chickens eggs;
- 1 tsp. baking powder;
- vanilla sugar;
- apples to taste.
How to cook
The difference is that for the classic version of charlotte you need to beat the eggs.
But housewives often neglect this process, slightly beating the eggs with a whisk. Kefir or milk is also added to the recipe, and the baking powder is replaced with soda.
So, we clean the apples from the core and wormholes, the skin should not be cut.
Cut the apples into long slices, and rather wide – one slice is about 1 centimeter.
The baking form is covered with baking paper, greased with butter, or sprinkled with semolina.
Pour the prepared apples into the form, evenly distribute them so that they occupy exactly half of the free space.
Turn on the oven and heat it to 180 degrees Celsius.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt, sprinkle sugar in a thin stream (without stopping beating), and then vanilla sugar (vanillin).
Eggs are beaten for at least 5 minutes.
Then we mix flour and baking powder, sift small portions into the beaten eggs, knead the dough, pour apples into it and send everything to the oven for 30-40 minutes.
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