How to cook a “hearty” meatless soup according to your grandmother’s recipe

There is not always meat in the refrigerator and the opportunity to buy it. Sometimes you need a quick soup, and here it is worth remembering my grandmother's recipe, which made the soup not “blue”, but quite hearty and very tasty.


To prepare such a soup, you need to put potatoes in a saucepan with water, add 3-4 black peppercorns and a bay leaf.

In the meantime, make the frying, it is this that will give the soup an incredibly pleasant taste, but without an excessive fried aftertaste.

Pour 1 tbsp. oil and 1 tbsp. butter into a frying pan, immediately add the finely chopped onion. After the onion becomes barely transparent, not golden, and even more so not fried, add the grated carrot and finely chopped sweet pepper. Simmer for 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are soft.

Add salt and spices to the pan, stir, and transfer to a saucepan. The potatoes will have cooked by this time. Once everything is boiling, add fresh herbs, simmer for 2-3 minutes, and your soup is ready.

Even without meat, the first course can be hearty and appetizing.

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Author: alex

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