How to cook cabbage to ask for supplements


caring owners have long harvested their harvest. And white cabbage is also stored in the basement or on the balcony, waiting for its time.

in the winter menu of Ukrainians with cabbage dishes – traditional and desirable. And this vegetable is very much appreciated by our people for its vitaminity. We suggest cooking fried cabbage that will appeal to all your family and loved ones. The finished dish will almost be different in calories from vegetable oil.
You can also use a mixture – vegetable and butter. Some varieties when stewing can be tart. This is how you run the risk of making liquid cabbage, because it releases moisture. Salt the cabbage at the end of cooking.

  • fry the cabbage over moderate, but not too low heat. With too low heat, your cabbage will start stewing.
  • If you are frying cabbage, spend about 15 minutes near the stove, stirring your cabbage periodically. If you do not mix, there is a risk of burning the dish.
  • If you want to diversify the taste of fried cabbage, you can optionally add minced meat or mushrooms to it.
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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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