How to cook corn in 15 minutes so you don't have to chew on hard kernels later
Corn is a delicious summer treat that not only children like. As soon as young corn appears on sale, many people immediately buy corn cobs to boil and try.
Corn is useful even when boiled. Even after heat treatment, it retains many useful substances. The grain contains fiber, easily digestible vegetable proteins, amino acids, and antioxidants.
You need to know how to cook the cobs correctly so that the corn turns out sweet and tasty.
First of all, you need to choose cobs with young kernels. They should be bright light yellow in color. If the corn is deep yellow, it will be hard.
Before cooking the corn, the cobs are washed with running water and dry leaves are removed. The corn should be soaked in cold water for 1 hour.
The cooking time for corn varies depending on the variety and age. On average, young corn can be cooked in 15 minutes, but there are fodder varieties that will have to be cooked for 2 hours.
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