How to cook delicious fried potatoes according to “grandmother's recipe”
Our people know how to cook and serve. A large number of delicious dishes were prepared by our grandmothers, and from ordinary simple products, for example, from potatoes.
So, we are preparing fried potatoes according to grandmother's recipe. To prepare it, you need potatoes, onions, pork belly, salt, pepper, and breadcrumbs. We do not specifically indicate the amount of products, because our grandmothers did not weigh them.
On a pan with a thick bottom (it is better that it be a cast-iron pan), crumble the belly into small pieces – like half a matchbox (these were the dimensions then) .
When the lard releases the fat, crumble the onion into half rings or quarters. Simmer over low heat until the onion becomes soft and golden. Then add hot boiled potatoes cut into 4 parts, mix gently. And at this stage, salt, pepper, add breadcrumbs. We stir once more and call our family for dinner.
Such potatoes and pickled cucumbers with tomatoes are suitable, as well as any salad. It is very, very tasty!
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