How to cook dried apricots yourself without an electric dryer and oven
Dried fruits are a sweet alternative to candies and sweets. And needless to say, they don't taste as good. It's all about willpower and habit, and the action will be beneficial for your health and well-being. Homemade dried fruits are safer than industrial ones. You won't need an oven or an electric dryer.
How to make dried apricots at home
First of all, pay attention to choosing the right fruits. Sweet and strong varieties are chosen for dried apricots. Apricots with a soft consistency will not work. When dried, the fruit shrinks by about five times.
Apricots should be washed well and divided into two halves, remove the pit. Arrange the fruit on racks. If there are none, you can take trays or a baking sheet from the oven. When everything is neatly laid out, put it in the sun. Cover with gauze so that insects do not have access. At night, everything is brought indoors so that moisture does not spoil the drying process. When the apricots become a little dry, they are moved to a place where the air is well ventilated and there is shade. Here, the apricots should turn into dried apricots when fully cooked.
In the oven
If you still want to cook faster and in the oven, then use the following recipe. Take 1 cup of lemon juice and 4 cups of water. We put halves of 3 kg of apricots in the solution. They should soak for 15 minutes.
At the next stage, the solution is drained, the halves are laid out on a baking sheet and put in the oven to dry. The temperature should be 60 degrees. Drying time – 10 hours. That's it, the dried apricots are ready to be laid out in your favorite jars.
The recipe in the oven is not as economical as the first one, considering the gas consumption. However, such homemade dried apricots are tastier, cleaner and safer. You can even give them to children.
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