How to cook dumplings to make them tastier

Many people love this dish, which is called delicious, satisfying and extremely practical. They cook quickly and keep in the freezer for a long time. There are five useful tips that will help you cook the best dumplings in your life.


First of all, you should remember that dumplings are cooked for 5-7 minutes after they float to the surface of boiling water.

You should use 1.5 liters of water per 500 g of dumplings with meat. You can use even more water, then the probability of them sticking together will be close to zero.

Pour 1.5-2 liters of water into a saucepan, then add 2-3 dried bay leaves and 2-3 peppercorns, salt to taste (approximately 1-1.5 tsp).

After boiling, place 500 g of frozen dumplings in the water and stir constantly to prevent them from sticking together into one ball.

After the dumplings float to the surface of the water, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook for 5-7 minutes, depending on the size of the dumplings. Then remove with a slotted spoon or pour the contents of the pan into a colander.

Add a good piece of butter to the plate for better taste, and ground pepper will improve the dish even more.

To prevent the dumplings from sticking together, they should not be defrosted. For complete certainty, add 1 tbsp. l. of oil to boiling water.

There are many variations of serving dumplings:

  • with sour cream;
  • with mayonnaise;
  • with vinegar, pepper and finely chopped garlic;
  • with ketchup;
  • in the broth (in which the dumplings were cooked);
  • with oil and herbs;
  • with onion.

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Author: alex

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