How to cook eggplant without a bitter aftertaste

Every second housewife prepares eggplant dishes in autumn. It is good when the vegetables are young and the seeds are white, but if the eggplants are old enough, the seeds give an unpleasant bitterness. It can spoil the taste of even the most exquisite dish.


In order for the bitterness of the seeds not to be noticeable, housewives traditionally soak eggplants in salt water. It should be like pus. But this has a drawback: eggplants absorb moisture in 20-30 minutes and become like rubber during cooking.

If you cut the eggplants into circles or cubes and simply sprinkle them with salt, then after 15-20 minutes they will be bitter will come out with the juice. At the same time, the eggplants will only need to be rinsed quickly from the salt, they will not have time to absorb the water.

During cooking, do not forget that you should not add salt, because after preliminary preparation, salt remains in sufficient quantity.

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Author: alex

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