How to cook fish in tomato sauce


Fish goes well with tomato sauce. They are created for each other. You can take any kind of fish for this recipe. Read the process and list of products. D;

  • Oil;
  • Sugar, salt, pepper;
  • laurel leaves;
  • flour.
  • How to prepare

    you need to work out – fillet is separated from bones. Cut the root of the parsley and carrots with straws. Next, cook the broth from the spine and bones. Procedure it.

    cut the onions and fry for transparency in vegetable oil. Add the vegetables and fry for another 5 minutes. Also put the tomato paste and continue stew for another 7-10 minutes. Now the queue of the fish broth, which requires 0.5 glasses. Season the sauce for your taste with salt and pepper, put 1-2 pieces of bay leaves. Cut for another 15 minutes. Fry, but not to the crust. Put the finished fillet on a plate with the sauce. The dish is delicious both in hot and cold. Delicious!

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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