How to cook meat: experts warned about the worst mistakes
Regardless from the professionalism of the cook, many people often make the same mistakes when cooking meat. Experts warned that they can not only spoil the taste of the dish, but also harm your health.
Do not preheat the pan
This is one of the most important stages preparation. If you don't preheat the pan before putting food on it, firstly, the dish will cook longer, and secondly, the risk of overheating the food will increase.
Cooking frozen meat
Cooking frozen meat
Although it may seem that cooking frozen meat will save time, in reality it will only soften it greatly. As a result, it will be watery with a destroyed fiber structure. In some cases, such a dish can cause an upset stomach.
Cook meat straight from the package
Putting the steak on the pan or grill straight from the refrigerator is a great way spoil it. To ensure proper, even cooking, it is necessary to warm the meat to room temperature and remove excess moisture with paper towels.
Cut the meat immediately after cooking
When the steak is ready, it is better to give it time to “breathe” before starting to cut it. The fact is that in hot meat, all the juice will gather to the center of the cut. However, if you leave it for a few minutes after cooking, the juice will have time to redistribute and be reabsorbed throughout the piece. This technique is used by professionals to make a steak juicy.
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