How to cook melted cheese in a multicooker
Flesh cheese is easy to cook at home. The main thing in this case is to find good milk. The quality of the finished product will depend on it. ? Then put the cheese in it. It is necessary to cook until the serum is selected, stirring constantly. When it appears, drain on a colander. Leave for 20 minutes. Put the resulting mass in a multi -cooker. Choose Milk Porridge mode. If you cook without a multi -cooker, then cook in a thick bottom pan over low heat. Stir constantly.
When the mass is almost melted, add soda. As a result, it should become loose and stretch. Pour the mass into a form covered with a food film. The cheese work should be cooled. If you want to get the original taste, you can add your favorite spices or herbs. Delicious!
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