How to cook pearl barley porridge so that it is crumbly and “melts in your mouth”

Cooking this porridge usually takes a lot of time. Not every housewife will dare to cook it for this reason. However, it is worth considering that pearl barley porridge is tasty and healthy. Therefore, experienced chefs have shared a few tricks that will help you quickly and easily prepare crumbly porridge.

Tip 1

Cereals love rinsing. This removes excess starch and makes the texture better. But you should use warm water, not cold.

Tip 2

Pour the barley in the pan with hot water or boiling water. This will not speed up the cooking of the porridge, but it will provide uniform and simultaneous heating of the grains.

Tip 3

The grains should be pre-fried first in a dry frying pan, and then with the addition of oil. The procedure will take only 2 minutes, but this will give a more delicate taste and a bright aroma.

Tip 4

You need to correctly calculate the amount of grain and water. The optimal ratio is 1 to 3. The fire during cooking should be low so that the porridge simmers, not boils.

Tip 5

Cook the porridge under the lid. As soon as the dish is ready, you should remove the pan from the heat, but do not open the lid immediately.

You need to let the barley rest, be sure to let it stand under the lid after cooking. You can also cover the dishes with a warm towel on top. Thanks to this, the barley melts in your mouth.

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Author: alex

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