How to cook salted red fish in just 40 minutes
If you forgot to salt the fish in advance, and you don't like store-bought fish, you can salt it in just 40 minutes. The most delicious fish is always home-cooked.
Red fish
How to salt red fish
To cook fish, you will only need salt and fish. The red fish must be cleaned and cut into portioned pieces. By the way, it can be any of your choice: pink salmon, trout, salmon. You can remove the skin and remove the bones. Or don't do this.
Roll each piece in salt and place in a container. Let it stand and salt for 40 minutes. Then wash off the salt. Pat dry with a paper towel.
Put the washed fish back into the container in which you will store it. Drizzle a little oil on the fish when you lay out the next layer of fish. This way it can be stored in the refrigerator. Enjoy!
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