How to cook the tastiest fish: 5 secrets

Fish is an essential component of a healthy diet, so you should learn how to cook it deliciously. In addition, with the right approach, fish becomes a real masterpiece of culinary art, which no one can resist.

What secrets should be noted:

The best method of cooking for those who follows his weight and health – it's a couple. However, not everyone likes this method, because the taste of the dish is too simple.

But the situation is easy to correct if you cook not just in water, but with the addition of spices.

Therefore, you can add all the necessary components that will give the fish a unique aroma and flavor.

We are used to the fact that lemon is a mandatory component for all types of fish, but this is not the case. If your fish does not belong to fatty varieties, then in the end you can get a too dry dish.

Therefore, use ordinary melted butter for the marinade.

If you want the fish to be tastier and more interesting, you can add one tablespoon of dry white wine to the marinade. Such a dish will be perfectly tasty and tender.

Many people love fried fish, but in order for it to become attractive, you need a crust. The main secret is to use a good pan with a non-stick coating. However, it is worth making sure that there is no damage on it.

Sometimes you want to treat yourself to river fish, but it has one drawback – a persistent aftertaste. This is easily handled by a “milk bath”, in which you should leave the fish in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

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Author: alex

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