How to correctly call the Ukrainian “pigeon”: one of these words you may not have heard
Debunking linguistic myths about the blue berry.
So, a bushy plant of the lingonberry family with dark blue edible berries is called < b>blueberry. It grows mainly in peat bogs and in the subalpine belt of mountains, and belongs to the same family as blueberries and lingonberries, which explains their similarity. Another name of the blueberry is boyakhi.
This plant is widespread in the western and central Polissia, occasionally in the left-bank Polissia, in the Carpathians. Buyakh berries are consumed fresh and processed. They are dried and used to make juices, compotes, jams, wines, jams, jellies, mousses, smoothies. both the name “blueberries” and “buyakhs”. Both names are correct and interchangeable. Knowing the correct Ukrainian words not only enriches our vocabulary, but also helps to better understand the richness of nature and language.
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