How to deal with “empty flower” on cucumbers
Cucumbers that do not set and bloom with empty flowers are a common problem that any gardener has had to face.
Blank flowers can appear even on self-pollinating hybrid plants, so it is important to know how to deal with this problem.
Despite their uselessness, empty flowers are not completely removed from the bushes. These male flowers are needed to pollinate the female flowers, which will then delight you with young cucumbers.
How to stop the shedding of empty flowers on cucumbers
One way to stop the development of empty flowers is pinching. If empty flowers have begun to form on cucumbers and there are no female flowers, then the only way out is to pinch the top.
It is important not to delay using this simplest method and pinch the stem as soon as possible. The only limitation in this case is not lower than 3-4 true leaves.
After some time, shoots will appear on the plant and female flowers with ovaries will begin to form.
Many summer residents use this method, and, as they assure, it has worked flawlessly.
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