How to deal with wheatgrass to reduce the risk of wireworms breeding in the soil
When talking about wireworm, a direct association with wheatgrass arises. Where there is this weed, there is a pest. It needs to be fought. Agronomists told how to reduce its number.
How to destroy wheatgrass
Weeds need to be actively removed not only on the site itself. Whether you like it or not, but outside the fence and near it, wheatgrass also poses a danger. As already mentioned, wireworms love it very much. So, it will multiply there, and then move to your plot.
You can fight wheatgrass with the help of black film. You need to cover the areas with weeds with it. Without access to light, it will lose its growth force. You can also mulch with straw, but not less than 10-15 cm high.
The roots under the cover will begin to die and rise higher. In the fall, you will need to lift the mulch and select all the roots. Then burn it. This way, it will be possible to reduce its damage and the reproduction of wireworms near it.
Wheatgrass and the length of its roots
Read also:
Why wheatgrass should be burned after removal, not composted
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